Summer Favorites: What I've Done Differently

By 11:36 PM

Caution: I started writing this at 1:00 A.M. because I couldn't sleep. Sorry for the many grammatical errors & the way too many run-on sentences. Enjoy:)


As a kid, the Summer felt like forever (And I loved every minute of it). It was usually filled with video games, more video games, TV & more TV. But I'd pretty much spend a lot of days saying "I'm bored!?!" 

Now, I say "Can we go do this?!" And it seems like Time is passing so much faster. 


From monopolizing our imaginative fake industries in My Little Ponys to fighting over Bratzs dolls, I've been blessed by having 17 amazing years spent with my sisters & parents. 
I'd like to describe this post with my favorite things I've done differently this Summer than the rest! (Hence, I posted a picture of a smoothie my sister made because I really liked it haha.
Side note: Barnes & Nobles is seriously one of my favorite places. Starbucks + Magazines = Perfection. Bonus=Connor Franta.

Okay so really.

Family Walks-We all usually walked together frequently before but this Summer we have been trying to do it daily & it's been one of my favorite things to do! 
We also like to eat a bunch of watermelon slices after them, and it's soooo good. 

Making things-I was really into DIYs from YouTube & Pinterest this Summer! 

Summer Internship-It might be hard to believe but I legit have no work experience which is sort of, kind of important. Anyways, this Summer I am interning with the League of Women Voters where I do clerical work. I learned a lot of new stuff & saw cool things like old political acts & newspapers of what the League was doing at the time. 

Blogilates-These are so fun & fast and has made me so obsessed with these Pilate-like videos!

Summer Class-I'm taking my Calculus 1 credit over the Summer so I don't have to take it during the year. Now let's get this straight though, the calculus learning isn't so fun. But I love the fact I'm saving a bunch of money & that I get 4 credits worth pretty much packed into one month of Summer. Also, my professor is hilarious & usually lets us out early from class. (Hallelujah). 
Shopping-I think this will never get old any time of year! But Dorm shopping has been a lot more enjoyable mostly because I can't wait to decorate my own place!

Photography-I started photography as a hobby a few months ago & I love it. I shared some of them under my Photos♡ page. :)

New Animals!-Seigried, Bella, my family's four fishes (I think 2 died of old
age over this last Summer which is sad but we always replace them which is kind of happy & sad because we like to give the fish a good home
), & the newest addition, East End/Golduck-who is a super duper independent cat that we found at East End Park & pretty much loves anybody. Earlier this Summer, we also rescued a turtle (Jeffrey-named it) that was under my dad's car who I think was trying to get under shade. We released it into the stream-river thing near our house where we know a bunch of other turtles live. But yeah, Texas heat can't be kind of brutal sometimes. 

So yay that's it.

Don't get me wrong, I definitely still play video games. Super Smash Bros & Mario Kart are life. 

But anyways, I felt really productive this Summer & doing some things differently has really made it that much better. 

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